PeriGen Patents

PeriGen US Patents awarded to date.

Country Number Title
US 7,963,916 Method and apparatus for estimating a likelihood of shoulder dystocia
US 7,959,565 Method and apparatus for estimating a likelihood of shoulder dystocia
US 7,113,819 Method and apparatus for monitoring the condition of a fetus
US 6,907,284 Method and apparatus for displaying a fetal heart rate signal
US 6,423,016 System and method for evaluating labor progress during childbirth
US 8,636,676 B2 Method and apparatus for providing information related to labor progress for an obstetrics patient (level of descent )
US 8,870,793 Method and apparatus for providing information related to labor progress for an obstetrics patient (level of descent )
US 9,439,597 Method and Apparatus for Monitoring a Fetus During Labor
US 10,134,490 Method and apparatus for displaying labor related information associated to an obstetrics patient
US 9,805,164 B2 Method and apparatus for providing contraction information during labor progression

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