Obstetrics challenge - standardization of care


Our OB 3.0 team of thought leaders focused on two key challenges for obstetric patient care.  The first, covered in Section I of the new ebook A Vision of the Future of Obstetrics is standardization of health care.  Here’s an excerpt:


Issues preventing

Standardization of Care

The quest for exciting and game changing approaches to solve today’s medical problems is appealing.  However, not only are such miracles seldom found, but experience shows that much improvement can be gained by applying existing best practices uniformly. 7-9   Across all large endeavors, such uniform processes have been shown to improve outcomes.  The lessons learned from recent and dramatic stories of implementation of various aspects of a comprehensive safety program on the obstetrical unit demonstrate that such uniform processes have, like in other complex organizations, led to widespread improvement in such outcomes as lowering cesarean section rates and decreasing malpractice claims and costs.10-15  In health care, standardization generally reduces costs.

When considering impediments, two issues quickly took the lead: Miscommunication and normalization of deviance.

Are miscommunication and normalization of deviance challenges that your labor & delivery unit face?  What has your team done to combat them?

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