A Wager:

Find another EFM Software Company that actually provides concrete support for buying their system

PeriGen is unique in many ways.  Our system uses clinical research as a basis for its analytic features.  We actively work with clients to quantify how our system helps their clinicians improve.  Our implementation team includes clinical consultants as well as technologists to make sure workflow fits the labor & delivery team preferences.

And, instead of a sales team, we have a team of Client Executives trained to ask the right questions — what are your challenges, your gripes about EFM, your performance metrics, your expected ROI — before even saying a word about how PeriGen can help solve them.

These are the same people who work with you to develop a real business case.  Sally Hodge, a well-known Six Sigma consultant, has a great way of describing a business case:

“The business case is the heart of a project plan. More than just explaining the intent, value and end goal of the project, it should serve as a motivational tool to keep the team (and leadership) excited and engaged.  From its goal statement to metrics, it must be well thought out and articulated, not just as a road map but also as justification for the investment of the organization’s time and resources.”

Take a look at a sample business case right now and,

then, get yours started by completing the form below